COVID Update #3
We hope this finds you safe, healthy and doing well with your pups. This is a difficult time for everyone, and we miss you as much as you miss us! Thank you for your patience and understanding as we all compromise and adjust to this new situation. Our goal has always been to support our students for successful learning, and we are working diligently to balance that goal while complying with COVID-19 restrictions. Please read this carefully, as we have worked hard to answer all your questions.
In order to do our part to flatten the curve, we are restarting some classes online while others will not restart until after the stay-at-home order is lifted.
To help you educate your dog during this difficult time we have revamped our program offerings with special online group classes, workshops and lectures.
Some classes that began before the stay-at-home order was issued will be resuming this coming week! In keeping with the safety recommendations of the state, we will be continuing these classes online via ZOOM, keeping to the original day/time these classes started.
We have been test-driving this plan by offering online classes for the last two weeks, and we are pleased to report that it is just like an in-person class! We are still able to easily coach you through exercises, ensure that your dog is progressing, answer questions, and prep you to practice your homework on your own.
Each class will get a link to their online class meeting. We’ve created an easy start guide for online classes on our website here.
A detailed list of all class changes is included below.
If your class is continuing online, you will be receiving a link to your upcoming zoom meeting times. Class meetings will be recorded if you are unable to attend online.
If your class is postponed until after shelter-in-place, please note we do not have a restart date. This will be mandated by the state when non-essential businesses are allowed to reopen.
We understand that this is a financially-tough time for many. If you must cancel/withdraw from a class, we can provide you with a partial refund, in keeping with our regular policies. Wonder Dogs will not be issuing future-use credits at this time. If you are financially able, we welcome the donation of any portion of your registration fee, which helps us support our two full-time employees during this difficult time.
We thank you for your patience and continued patronage of your local small business, your loyal and furry Wonder Dogs. We hope you enjoy this extra time at home with your pups, and we look forward to seeing you online or on the other side!
Thank you and warmest wishes from Jenn, Lisa and the team at Wonder Dogs
All class changes are as follows:
Monday Classes :
Continuing online, restarting April 6th:
6:00pm Puppy Pre School & Socialization
7:15pm Puppy Deep Dive Lecture — New class! Registration still open!
Postponed until non-essential businesses reopen:
All agility classes
Tuesday Classes:
Continuing online, restarting April 7th:
6:00pm Puppy 2
Continuing online, restarting April 14th:
6:00pm Parkour 1 — New class date! Registration still open!
7:15pm Essentials 2 — New class date! Registration still open!
Wednesday Classes:
Continuing online, restarting April 8th:
6:00pm Essentials 1 — This class will combine the Tuesday and Wednesday Essentials 1 classes.
Thursday Classes:
Continuing online, restarting April 8th:
6:00pm Essentials 1
7:15pm Puppy 2 — New class! Registration still open!
Postponed until non-essential businesses reopen:
12:00pm TEAM 1
4:30pm STAR
6:00pm Super STAR
7:30pm STAR
Friday Classes:
Postponed until non-essential businesses reopen:
10:00am Super STAR class
11:30am STAR — New class! Registration still open!
1:00pm STAR
Sunday Classes:
Continuing online, restarting April 12th:
6:30pm STAR Essential Manners
Postponed until non-essential businesses reopen:
Nosework Elements — New class! Registration still open!