Wonder Dogs Training Policies
These policies are in place to ensure that your dog's training proceeds in the most timely and effective way possible. Behavior change takes time and consistency, and we want you to succeed!
Payment Information
Payment must be made at time of registration. We accept debit/credit and PayPal for online registrations.
To pay by cash or check, please register in person.
Please review our attendance and cancellation policies below.
Class Attendance and Makeup Policies
Our curriculum is designed specifically to make training progress in the most timely and effective way possible, so attendance to all classes is paramount.
If your dog is sick they should not be brought to class. Humans may attend in person without their dog or via zoom with their dog from home. Continuing to practice at home is critical to your success!
We offer group makeup sessions and drop-ins for all students twice monthly for a nominal fee.
Use your Wonder Student Resources Page!
We understand that circumstances may change suddenly or unexpectedly. If you must withdraw from a class within the first three weeks, 50% of remaining classes can be refunded or used for a one-time transfer to a different class.
If withdrawal is due to unexpected human or dog injury, 100% of remaining classes can be refunded or used for a one-time transfer to a different class with presentation of doctor/vet note.
Wonder Dogs does not offer credits on client accounts for future classes not currently scheduled. If you are unable to commit to a different class, we are happy to provide a partial refund.
No refunds or transfers after the first three weeks of class.
Intact dogs are welcome to attend Wonder Dogs classes. If your female comes into season, please notify us and plan to bring her in dog britches for cleanliness.
Private Lesson & Behavior Consultation Cancellation Policies
We require a 72 hour notice to reschedule or cancel these personalized services because we are dedicated to giving professional, personalized attention and care to all our clients. We are always working to help you get the best possible outcome from training, so the importance of these sessions for meeting your goals cannot be stressed highly enough. Please schedule them carefully and login to your account to double-check appointment times and locations.
Should you need to reschedule or cancel your lesson, please contact us a minimum of 72 hours prior to lesson time or a $50.00 cancellation fee will be applied.
Same-day cancellations and no-show appointments will be forfeit and billed in full for liquidated damages.
These policies are in place to ensure that your dog's training proceeds in the most timely and effective way possible. Behavior change takes time and consistency, and we want you to succeed!
Dog Behavior Policies
Dogs may not be off leash unless being actively supervised by a client or trainer and all gates to exterior doors must be shut for safety. To prevent soiling, dogs will not be allowed to wander the facility unsupervised.
Intact dogs who mark the facility more than once will be required to wear a belly band during future attendance.
Owners of dogs who have shown very intense reactions toward people or other dogs are encouraged to contact us for a behavior consultation and a referral to our other services more appropriate for your dogs needs, such as S.T.A.R. class.
If you have questions or concerns about whether your dog is suitable for class, please email us, we want you and your dog to succeed in all your goals!
Child Participation Policies
We love training children to train dogs! For everyone’s safety and enjoyment of group classes:
Children who are willing to participate in the training are welcome to attend class.
When not training the dog, children must be able to sit quietly and observe.
Children must ask an adult before approaching or touching any dog.
Children under nine years of age must be accompanied by two adults. Children distract parents who are trying to train their dogs. We want you to be successful!
All children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for liability purposes.