COVID Update #4
To our beloved and devoted Wonder Students,
We hope that this note finds you all safe and healthy, staying home with your furry friends.
We are in the process of finalizing details to allow us to restart in-person classes! The building is getting some updates and signage to make sure that everyone can stay safe while enjoying the great training that Wonder Dogs is known for. We are hard at work getting all the details ironed out so that we can share that information with you as soon as possible.
Safe distancing protocols will be posted here, complete with videos so you can see how these classes will be conducted. Zoom classes will still be offered for those who prefer to continue to stay at home.
Following completion of our building updates, expect the following information in our next update, no later than Friday, May 22nd:
Resuming classes that were canceled in March—students will be contacted, restart date announced.
New in-person class options, some starting as soon as May 26th
We will be in contact in a couple days with more information. Until then we simply ask that you smooch your pooches for us!