COVID Update #6
updated 11/17 @ 4pm
Hello, Wonder Students!
We hope this update finds you safe, healthy and doing well with your pups. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we all compromise and adjust to this constantly changing situation. Our goal is always to support our students for successful learning, and we are working diligently to balance that goal while complying with COVID-19 restrictions.
Please read this carefully, as we have worked hard to answer all your questions.
In order to do our part to flatten the curve, we are complying with Governor Brown’s Two-Week Freeze, postponing all current and upcoming group classes starting November 18th until Dec 2nd.
Private classes, tutoring and behavior consultations will continue in-person as scheduled. Students may request that their private lesson or behavior consultation meet via Zoom by clicking here.
See detailed list of ALL class changes below.
We understand that this is a financially-tough time for many. If you must cancel/withdraw from a currently running class, we can provide you with a partial refund in keeping with our regular cancellation policies. If you must cancel/withdraw from a class that has not started yet, we are happy to provide a refund. Request a refund here.
Wonder Dogs will not be issuing future-use credits at this time. If you are financially able, we welcome donations to help us support our three full-time employees during this difficult time.
We thank you for your patience and continued patronage of your local small business, your loyal and furry Wonder Dogs. We hope you can enjoy this extra time at home with your pups, we will miss you!
Thank you and warmest wishes,
Jenn, Lisa, Bridget, Ashley and the rest of the Wonder Dogs Team
Puppy 1: Preschool & Socialization
Tuesdays @ 11:00 AM —resume 12/8
Tuesdays @ 4:45 PM —resume 12/8
Mondays @ 6:00 PM —resume 12/7
Puppy 2: Manners & More!
Wednesday 11/4/2020 @ 7:30 PM —resume 12/2
Wednesday 10/28/2020 @ 6:00 PM —resume 12/2
Wednesday 10/21/2020 @ 4:45 PM —resume 12/2
Saturday 10/17/2020 @ 3:30 PM —resume 12/5
Essentials 1: Focus, Impulse Control, & Greetings
Monday 11/2/2020 @ 4:30 PM —resume 12/7
Thursday 10/29/2020 @ 7:30 PM —resume 12/3
Monday 10/26/2020 @ 7:30 PM —resume 12/7
Thursday 10/15/2020 @ 12:00 PM — finish on Zoom 11/19
S.T.A.R- Solutions and Training for Anxiety and Reactivity
Friday 11/13/2020 @ 10:00 AM —resume 12/4
Thursday 10/22/2020 @ 6:00 PM —resume 12/3
Friday 10/9/2020 @ 11:30 AM —resume 12/4
Super S.T.A.R.
Thursdays @ 4:30 PM —resume 12/3
Introduction to Agility
Sunday 11/8/2020 @ 3:00 PM —resume 12/6
Sunday 10/18/2020 @ 4:30 PM —resume 12/6
Agility 3: Course Sequencing & Advanced Obstacle Skills
Sunday 11/8/2020 @ 6:00 PM —resume 12/6
Puppy 2: Manners & More!
Saturday 12/5/2020 @ 3:30 PM —New Start Date 12/12
Wednesday 12/2/2020 @ 4:30 PM —New Start Date 12/16
Saturday 11/21/2020 @ 2:00 PM —New Start Date 12/5
Friday 11/20/2020 @ 1:00 PM —New Start Date 12/4
Tuesday 11/17/2020 @ 9:30 AM —Starting as scheduled, resume 12/8
Essentials 1: Focus, Impulse Control, & Greetings
Tuesday 12/1/2020 @ 7:30 PM —New Start Date 12/22
Tuesday 11/17/2020 @ 6:00 PM —Starting as scheduled, resume 12/8
Essentials 2: Come, Stay & Leash Walking
Thursday 12/3/2020 @ 12 PM —Starting as scheduled
Introduction to Agility
Thursday 11/19/2020 @ 9:00 AM —New Start Date 12/3
S.T.A.R- Solutions and Training for Anxiety and Reactivity
Thursday 12/17/2020 @ 7:30 PM —New Start Date 1/14
Saturday 12/5/2020 @ 9:30 AM —Starting as scheduled