COVID Update #2

As we continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation, Wonder Dogs has decided to make some changes to help contribute to flattening the curve of the spread of the virus. Starting March 23 all classes will be postponed until April 6th, at which time classes will resume either online or in person, if the situation allows. Please see below for a complete listing of class adjustments.

We are also working hard to create some opportunities for you to continue to educate your dog during this difficult time! We’ve revamped our program offerings and added a full schedule of online and outdoor private lessons, online behavior consulting, and special online group classes and lectures.

New online classes:

  • Active Minds & Bodies During Quarantine

  • Doggie Pilates

  • Double Trouble

  • Perfection at the Door

New online lectures

  • Advance Dog Body Language: Greeting and Play Behavior

  • He Only Works for Food

  • Reducing “Naughty” Behaviors

  • Reducing Overexcitement & Calming Chaos

  • Socializing Your Puppy while Social Distancing

  • Understanding and Modifying Dog Emotions

  • Ask the Trainer

Here’s how to use ZOOM to attend classes and lectures.

And don’t forget, ANYONE, ANYWHERE can attend these online classes and lectures, so if you have friends or family that you wish had access to Wonder Dogs’ training, well here’s their chance! We’d love to meet them!

We feel that meeting outside and exercising 10 ft social distancing is comfortable for some, so we are offering some single-topic events outside in the next two weeks.

Social Distancing In-Person Classes:

Dealing with Distractions

Parkour Challenge

  • The following classes will finish out their regular schedule by meeting outside and using social distancing:

    • Tuesday 7:15pm Essentials 1 w/Lisa

    • Wednesday 6pm Essentials 2 w/Lisa Friday 10am Super STAR Class w/Jenn

  • The following classes are postponed until the week of April 6th:

    • All puppy classes

    • All other Essentials classes

    • All agility classes

    • All other STAR, Super STAR and STAR Essential Manners classes

  • The following classes/events have been cancelled:

    • All puppy socials and annex rentals

    • Greetings and makeup lesson workshops

We are working hard to create a contingency plan for holding classes outdoors and/or online if it does not look promising as April 6th approaches.

If you must cancel/withdraw from a class, we can provide you with a refund. Wonder Dogs will not be issuing credits at this time. If you are financially able, we welcome the donation of any portion of your registration fee, which helps us support our two full-time employees during this difficult time.

We thank you for your patience and continued patronage of your local small business, your loyal and furry Wonder Dogs!

Thank you and warmest wishes,

Jenn, Lisa and the team at Wonder Dogs

Jenn Michaelis